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Core facility satellite meeting, session 1 – Sponsored by Luxendo, Bruker


09:00 Short introduction and welcome – 5 min

09:05 Session 1: Quality control – 75 min


Detailed program

Organizers: Roland Nitschke and Caterina Strambio De Castilla

Chair: Caterina Strambio De Castilla, Biomedical Imaging Group, University of Massachusetts Medical School

  • QUAREP-LiMi initiative Status overview – Roland Nitschke, University Freiburg (9:05 – 9:15)
  • WG 1 – Illumination Power – Laurent Gelman, FMI Basel (9:15 – 9:25) (Virtual)
  • WG 2 – Detection System Performance – Britta Schroth-Diez, MPI Dresden (9:25 – 9:35)
  • WG 12 – Image Visualisation and Analysis – Helena Jambor, Dresden TU (9:35 – 9:45) (Virtual)
  • Working together with the industry within QUAREP-LiMi – Roland Nitschke, University Freiburg (9:45 – 9:55) 

Discussion about CF related needs and wishes to QUAREP-LiMi combined with online survey (9:55 – 10:20)     

Sponsored by Luxendo, Bruker